Emma Coe Film Studies

Emma Coe Film Studies

  • Global Practice Question

    29th Apr 2021 by

    With close reference to the two films you have studied, explore how mine-en-scene and cinematography is used to create meaning (40 marks) Mise en scene and cinematography are used in Pan’s Labyrinth and House of Flying Daggers to create meaning as both films use specific colour pallets and lighting elements. In Pan’s Labyrinth Del Toro… Read more

  • Pan’s Labyrinth Visual Style Revision

    24th Apr 2021 by

    How does the use of cinematography and mise en scene create meaning? Opening Sequence: Cinematography: Zoom into an extreme close up of Ofelia’s eye- gate way to her soul/ her soul returning to the fantasy world/ in Ofelia’s imagination or memory? ‘princess’- connects the two together (sound and visuals) Tracking shots and pans- fluid, continuous,… Read more

  • Film Maker’s theories- revision

    1st Apr 2021 by

    Kapadia: Linear narrative Hero and villain narrative structure- form archetypes Extreme juxtaposition of high and lows- when Amy wins the Grammy award Guided viewing experience- opinions rather than facts ‘True fiction’ – more related to fiction as it follows the narrative structure Kapadia starts as a fictional filmmaker Michael Moore filmmaking: 8 key traits Moore… Read more

  • Ridley Scott Auteur- Revision

    25th Mar 2021 by

    Filmography: Blade Runner Black Hawk down Gladiator The Martian Alien Prometheus Hannibal Thelma and Louise Kingdom Heaven Robin Hood American Gangster Ridley Scott Auteur film form: Known for his long films Art school references- trained in production design Motivated lighting – Neon lights, shadows Noir style lighting- low key lighting Specific colour pallets Use of… Read more

  • ISP W24: Michael Curtiz Auteur?

    24th Mar 2021 by

    ISP Week 24 – Michael Curtiz – Auteur? Watch these three scenes from Angels with Dirty Faces (Curtiz, 1938) and take notes on the film form elements: Directional lighting to create shadows  Functional/studio lighting to create high contrast of light  Film noir  Carefully detailed mise en scene and set design- shadows on the walls, poster ‘voice your protest against corruption’… Read more

  • Michael Curtiz Auteur- revision

    23rd Mar 2021 by

    Auteur- a directors signature on a film Director crafts the work Curtiz is considered an anti-auteur Uses a range of genres Works with same actors in his films Focused on sentimentality Akratic direction- aristocrat- studio system Made 3 feature films a year What makes Curtiz an auteur: Directional lighting Studio lighting Shadows- German expressionism European… Read more

  • Strike: Middle sequence analysis

    16th Mar 2021 by

    Strike: Middle sequence- analysis notes: Explore how film form devices are used to convey messages in the film you have studied Film form is used to convey political ideology in the silent film ‘Strike’ through propaganda in order to promote the unity of the working class and address the masses and proletariat. Firstly in regards to the… Read more

  • Strike: Opening Sequence analysis

    11th Mar 2021 by

    Strike: Opening sequence- analysis notes: Why might expressive tendencies have emerged within the silent film period? Plan: Bazin’s realist theory: He believed that realism was the only way to make true cinema No fancy camera work, shots on location with real people He presented a new take on cinema to compete with German Expressionism and… Read more

  • ISP W22: Filmmaking Tips

    8th Mar 2021 by

    ISP Week 22: Filmmaking Tips Tips from Gretta Gerwig Don’t judge your drafts right away and don’t throw your ideas before Get others to read it- it forces you to listen to your own work from another perspective Give yourself a chance  Story structure is within us- how we create meaning in our everyday lives … Read more

  • Realist vs Expressionist Film

    4th Mar 2021 by

    Realist vs Expressionist  Using the short film screenplay you have written for your Component 3 work… Write a 400-word outline which discusses how you would undertake producing this short film from a realist/ expressionist Realist:  For my screenplay ‘Deception’ I would undertake producing this in the form of a realist film by specifically using real locations… Read more

  • Strike: Silent Cinema

    2nd Mar 2021 by

    Strike (1924) by Sergei Eisenstein Propaganda and ‘Cinema of Attractions’ Eisenstein was a Russian and global film maker- one of the pioneers of silent soviet cinema Later the same year, Battleship Potemkin was released Widely available- Youtube Political Contexts: Depicts a strike in 1903 by factory workers Reflects mass political and social unrest that led… Read more

  • Battleship Potemkin (1925): Fact File

    2nd Mar 2021 by

    Director: Sergei Eisenstein Date: Produced in 1925 under Soviet control- banned in the UK until 1954 75 minuets long Tribute to the early Russian revolutionaries Sergei Eisenstein’s second full-length film Widely regarded as a masterpiece of international cinema  Eisenstein’s early career was marked by a focus on decisive crowd sequences and by the use of… Read more

  • Silent Cinema

    25th Feb 2021 by

    The Silent Film Era 1895-1929 No synchronised recorded sound and no audible dialogue- often title cards and music was played live.  The height of the silent era (from the early 1910s in film to the late 1920s) is considered a period of artistic innovation.  The film movements of Classical Hollywood, French Impressionism, German Expressionism, and Soviet Montage began in this period. Silent filmmakers pioneered the art form… Read more

  • Strike: Initial notes

    23rd Feb 2021 by

    Strike (1925) – Sergei Eisenstein Eisenstein’s first full-length feature film Depicts the 1903 by the workers of a factory in pre-revolutionary Russia and their subsequent suppression. Cinematography: Black and white Experimental camera angles and techniques Dutch angles High angle/low angle shots Tracking shots Extreme close ups, close ups and long shots Mise en scene: Intertitles-… Read more

  • ISP W20: Influential Soviet Films

    23rd Feb 2021 by

    Sergei Eisenstein’s influential film: Battleship Potemkin (1925): Based on the mutiny that occurred in 1905 when the crew of the Russian battleship Potemkin rebelled The film was used to consolidate power and spread soviet information- propaganda The film was banned in the UK until 1954 as there was worry it would influence a working class… Read more

  • ISP W18: Storyboarding Prep

    2nd Feb 2021 by

    Birdman (2015): Opening scene Hot Fuzz (2007): Opening scene Oceans 11 (2001): Opening scene No Country for Old Men (2007): Opening scene The Godfather (1972): Opening scene

  • W17 ISP: Screenplay Errors

    26th Jan 2021 by

    ISP Week 17 Task: Identify Errors of a Screenplay Doesn’t use ‘FADE IN’  Slug line needs to be in CAPITALS  Use correct terms in slug line (INT./EXT.)  Doesn’t need specific time (eg. 9am)- use either DAY/NIGHT  Character name should be in CAPITAS (Eg. CHRISTINE or EBONY) when they first appear in scene  Character name before… Read more

  • ISP W16: Character Profile Development

    19th Jan 2021 by

    2. Notes on how to embed subtext in screenplays: Text, Subtext and Context: Dialogue is a conversation confronting conflict Exposition is explain something with the purpose of informing the audience  Text- words that are written on the page for the actor to speak  Subtext- emotional charge of an idea and the intentions of the characters.… Read more

  • Comp 3: Short Film Ideas

    14th Jan 2021 by

    Mood Board ideas: Pinterest Task 2: Five Finger Pitch Genre- Psychological thriller (short film) Main protagonist- 20 year old young woman Goal- Avoid danger and guilt/ get away with murder Obstacle- Herself- she is overly paranoid and psychotic What’s important- power of memories and the mind Task 3: Film Outline Working Title: ‘Deception’ Brief: A… Read more

  • Component 3: Examples and Genre

    12th Jan 2021 by

    Task 1: Which screenplay and DSB did you enjoy the most and why? Did you see anything that has inspired ideas for your own coursework?  I enjoyed the screen play ‘Compos Mentis’ by Sian Taylor the most as it included short yet detailed and effective scenes which I believe built suspense and establishes a fast… Read more

  • ISP W15: Pan’s Labyrinth Exam Question

    11th Jan 2021 by

    Mock question: For 10 marks – With reference to one scene of your choice, explore how mise-en-scene is used to reflect genre conventions in Pan’s Labyrinth. Mise en scene is used reflect genre conventions in the Pale Man sequence of Pan’s Labyrinth, for example through the use of the low-level tracking shot of the pile of grey… Read more

  • ISP W13: The Kuleshov Effect

    27th Dec 2020 by

    The Kuleshov Effect: Named after Lev Kuleshov- a soviet film maker from the early 1900’s Kuleshov’s experiment proved that ‘a sequence of images conveys more meaning than a single shot therefore when building a film’s narrative editors must consider who the audience will connect multiple images together in their mind’  Conveys deep emotion through editing … Read more

  • ISP W13: The Russian Revolution Research

    27th Dec 2020 by

    Historical contexts on Sergei Eisenstein’s ‘Strike’: 19/20th Century Russian history  The Russian Revolution 1849- 1939  Nicholas II – last emperor of Russia ruled from 1894-1917 Huge Russian empire Late 19th century – rapid industrialisation  Introduced communist ideas like Karl Marx theory- working class of Russia demanding greater representation  Communism wanted to abolish social classes (e.g. no priests or kings)… Read more

  • ISP W12: Film Makers Theories: Peter Watkins

    7th Dec 2020 by

    Peter Watkins – filmmaker theory: British director  Highly regarded for his work in. the 1960’s  His early work ‘Diary of an unknown soldier (1959) and The Forgotten Faces (1960) started his experimental film Used mock newsreels to show a media constructed version of reality  He used amateur actors to add naturalism to his films  Watkins… Read more

  • ISP W11: Under the Skin Ideologies mock question

    4th Dec 2020 by

    Mock question: For 10 marks – Analyse how ideology is explored in Under the Skin. Ideology is explored in the film Under the Skin through the concept of Marxism. An example where this features in the film is in the opening sequence where we see Laura working for an unknown higher power which forces her to exploit… Read more

  • ISP W11: Documentary film comparison

    4th Dec 2020 by

    Documentary film comparisons: 1. Michael Moore’s 2018 film Fahrenheit 11/9: a. What stylistic traits/techniques are present in the film which are similar to Bowling for Columbine? Using news reals/ media footage  Addresses social and political issues about American society- left wing view  Addresses the way in which the media presents people/ issues  Interviews filmed on location- Moore… Read more

  • ISP W11: Amy Context notes

    4th Dec 2020 by

    Amy’ Documentary CONTEXT notes  ‘Condensing countless hours of material into a powerful and coherent film that ends with such an emotive montage of photographs and music.’ Who was Amy Winehouse? London born(1983) jazz and pop singer Died (2011) of alcohol poisoning aged 27 She had problems with bulimia and substance abuse since her teens  Her… Read more

  • ‘Amy’ Critical Debates

    3rd Dec 2020 by

    Kapadia on ‘Amy’: Amy is looking at the camera- at the audience (start) We become the paparazzi- Amy attacks the camera- attacks the audience  Camera goes from being her friend to being violent and aggressive  Film Vs Digital technology Digital Technology: The degree of the impact that digital has had on film since the 1990s… Read more

  • Film Makers Theories: Bill Nichols

    3rd Dec 2020 by

    Film Makers Theories: Bill Nichols  An American film academic who wrote a seminal text on documentary form, Introduction To Documentary (Indiana University Press, 2nd edition, 2010) Six modes of documentary:  1. Expository: Speak directly to the viewer with voice-over.  These films use explicitly rhetorical techniques in order to explore points of actuality.  They use voice-over… Read more

  • Film Makers Theories: Kim Longinotto

    3rd Dec 2020 by

    Film Makers Theories: Kim Longinotto  A British documentary filmmaker Well known for making films that highlight the plight of female victims of oppression or discrimination Prolific documentary filmmaker (an observational filmmaker (Observational cinema, also known as direct cinema, free cinema or cinema verite, usually excludes certain documentary techniques such as advanced planning, scripting, staging, narration,… Read more

  • Film Makers Theories: Michael Moore

    27th Nov 2020 by

    FILM MARKERS THEORIES: Michael Moore  https://www.britannica.com/biography/Michael-Moore Often controversial—that addressed major political and social issues in the United States.  Mixing humor and poignancy with indignation  Established Dog Eat Dog Films  He also created an organization to finance social-action groups and other filmmakers.  Very visible presence in his documentaries- participatory and performative role  Highly committed- overly polemical in taking up a clear point… Read more

  • ‘Amy’ Documentary Notes

    27th Nov 2020 by

    Why did Kapadia make a documentary on Amy Winehouse?  ‘I wanted to know how that happened in front of our eyes.’  ‘I almost knew it was going to happen. You could see she was going down a certain path.’  ‘It tackles lots of things about family and media, fame, addiction, but most importantly it captures the very hearts… Read more

  • ISP W10: Moon Exam Question

    25th Nov 2020 by

    Mock question: For 10 marks – Explore how circular imagery is used as a narrative device in Moon  Circular imagery is used as a narrative device in the film Moon, for  example in the opening sequence where we see a graphical match cut between a sand dune into a green desert using circular imagery. The image explores the… Read more

  • ISP W10: Amy vs Maradona

    25th Nov 2020 by

    ‘Amy’ (2015) VS ‘Diego Maradona’ (2019) directed by Asif Kapadia  What are the similarities to Amy? Use of archive footage  News interviews Home footage  Media footage Fame turned to drugs Success and fame  Press and media- portrayal public image  No sit down interviews  Linear- follows a timeline from childhood through their lives and careers  Focuses on how the… Read more

  • ISP W9: House of Flying Daggers Questions

    19th Nov 2020 by

    Component 2: Global Filmmaking Perspectives.  Section A Global Film. Group 2: Outside Europe.  House of Flying Daggers (Zhang, China, 2004): Contexts, Style, Audience.  Write at least 200 word answers to each of the following questions, supported with direct reference to the film:  How might you describe Zhang Yimou’s visual style or aesthetic?  Zhang Yimou’s visual style and aesthetic is shown… Read more

  • ISP W9: House of Flying Daggers review articles

    19th Nov 2020 by

    House of Flying Daggers- Review article notes   https://newrepublic.com/article/70443/redemption-film ‘House of Flying Daggers is also about imperial rule and rebellion, by its conclusion politics have faded far into the background.’   ‘the protagonists have left behind their loyalties to either side, instead fighting and dying for more intimate concerns: for love, for jealousy, for redemption or release.’  ‘As… Read more

  • House of Flying Daggers: Ending sequence notes

    12th Nov 2020 by

    House of Flying Daggers: Ending sequence analysis notes CINEMATOGRAPHY: Zoom from dynamic close up into extreme close up- focuses in on their eyes and facial expressions  Frequent use of mid shots and close ups- intimacy linking to romance genre  Tracking shot follows the dagger’s POV (similar to other sequences)- dynamic and indicates fantasy elements Tracking shot… Read more

  • House of Flying Daggers: Bamboo sequence notes

    10th Nov 2020 by

    House of Flying Daggers: Bamboo sequence analysis notes CINEMTOGRAPHY: Changing camera angles- mainly low angles POV shots of Mei looking up into the trees Close ups of bamboo splitting  Tracking shot of Mei and Jin running through forest- aligned with the change in protagonists- Jin shows character arch as audience aligns with his POV  POV tracking… Read more

  • ISP W8: House of Flying Daggers Mise en Scene

    9th Nov 2020 by

    Mock question: For 10 marks – Explore how one example of mise-en-scene is used the opening sequence of HOFD. Mise end scene is used in the opening sequence of House of Flying Daggers to create meaning, for example the repetition of the butterfly motif in the Peony Pavilion. The butterfly acts as a visual metaphor… Read more

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